\name{getLightTW} \alias{getLightTW} \title{Function to create a light weight widget showing a text string} \description{ Given a text string and coordinations, this function creates a light weight tcltk widget with showing the text string passed. } \usage{ getLightTW(x, y, text) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{x} an interger for the horizontal position for the widget to appear} \item{y}{\code{y} an integer for the vertical position for the widget to appear} \item{text}{\code{text} a character string to be show in the widget} } \details{ When the function is invoked, a box containing the text will appear at the position specified by x, and y. Click the widget makes it disappear. } \value{ This function does not return any value } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ if(interactive()){ getLightTW(200, 200, "Click Me!") } } \keyword{interface}