\name{MArrayTC-class} \docType{class} \alias{MArrayTC-class} \alias{LargeDataObject-class} \title{Microarray Time Course Object- class} \description{ A list-based class for storing the analysis results from the multivariate empirical Bayes models of differential expression for longitudinal replicated developmental microarray time course data. Objects are normally created by \code{\link{mb.long}} and \code{\link{mb.MANOVA}}. } \section{Slots/Components}{ \code{MArrayTC} objects do not contain any slots (apart from \code{.Data}) but they should contain the following list components: \describe{ \item{\code{M}:}{input \code{matrix} of log-ratios or log-values of expression for a series of microarrays.} } Objects may also contain the following optional components: \describe{ \item{\code{prop}:}{\code{numeric} value giving the proportion of differentially expressed genes.} \item{\code{nu}:}{\code{numeric} value containing the estimated amount of moderation.} \item{\code{Lambda}:}{the estimated Lambda.} \item{\code{Lambda1}:}{the estimated Lambda1.} \item{\code{eta}:}{the estimated prior scale parameter.} \item{\code{alpha}:}{the estimated common mean of the expected time course vector under the null.} \item{\code{alpha.d}:}{the estimated condition-specific means of the expected time course vectors under the alternative.} \item{\code{beta}:}{the estimated scale parameter for the common covariance matrix of the common expected time course vector under the null.} \item{\code{beta.d}:}{the estimated condition-specific scale parameters for the common covariance matrix of the expected time course vectors under the alternative.} \item{\code{percent}:}{\code{numeric} matrix containing the percent of moderation corresponding to each sample size for the longitudinal one- and two- sample problems.} \item{\code{size}:}{\code{numeric} vector or matrix containing the sample sizes for all genes corresponding to different biological conditions, when the latter are sorted in ascending order.} \item{\code{con.group}:}{\code{numeric} or \code{character} vector giving the biological condition group of each array. The \eqn{i_th} element of \code{con.group} corresponds to the biological condition of the \eqn{i_th} column of \code{M}.} \item{\code{rep.group}:}{\code{numeric} or \code{character} vector giving the replicate group of each array. The \eqn{i_th} element of \code{rep.group} corresponds to the replicate of the \eqn{i_th} column of \code{M}.} \item{\code{time.group}:}{\code{numeric} vector giving the time group of each array. The \eqn{i_th} element of \code{time.group} corresponds to the time of the \eqn{i_th} column of \code{M}.} \item{\code{HotellingT2}:}{\code{numeric} vector giving the \eqn{\tilde{T}^2} statistics of differential expression.} \item{\code{MB}:}{\code{numeric} vector giving the MB-statistics of differential expression.} \item{\code{pos.HotellingT2}:}{\code{numeric} vector whose \eqn{i_th} element corresponds to the index of the gene with ranking \eqn{i} in \code{HotellingT2}.} \item{\code{pos.MB}:}{\code{numeric} vector whose \eqn{i_th} element corresponds to the index of the gene with ranking \eqn{i} in \code{MB}.} \item{\code{geneNames}:}{\code{character} vector giving gene names.} \item{\code{descriptions}:}{\code{character} vector giving gene descriptions.} } } \section{Methods}{ MArrayTC extends the \code{\link[limma:LargeDataObject]{LargeDataObject}} class in package limma, and inherits a \code{show} method from there. The function \code{plotProfile} takes \code{MArrayTC} as the input argument. } \author{Yu Chuan Tai \email{yuchuan@stat.berkeley.edu}} \keyword{classes}