\name{tilingArray-package} \alias{tilingArray-package} \alias{tilingArray} \docType{package} \title{tilingArray package overview} \description{ tilingArray package overview } \details{ The package provides some functionalities that can be useful for the analysis of high-density tiling microarray data (such as Affymetrix genechips) for measuring transcript abundance and architecture. The main functionalities of the package are: \itemize{ \item The segmentation class for representing partitionings of a linear series of data (such as microarray intensity readings along a chromosome strand). \item The function \code{\link{segment}} for fitting piecewise constant models using a dynamic programming algorithm that is both fast and exact, and \code{\link[segmentation-class]{confint}} for calculating confidence intervals using the strucchange package. Please see the vignette \emph{Segmentation demo} in the file inst/doc/segmentation.pdf (source file inst/scripts/segmentation.Rnw). \item The function \code{\link{plotAlongChrom}} for generating pretty plots of segmentations along with genomic features. Please also see the vignette \emph{Segmentation demo}. \item The function \code{\link{normalizeByReference}} for probe-sequence dependent response adjustment from a (set of) reference hybridizations. Please see the vignette \emph{Assessing signal/noise ratio before and after normalization} in the file inst/doc/assessNorm.pdf (source file inst/scripts/assessNorm.Rnw). } } \author{ W. Huber } \keyword{package}