\name{segChrom} \alias{segChrom} \title{Fit a piecewise constant curve to along chromosome data (wrapper function)} \description{ Wrapper around the \code{segment} function for each strand of one or more chromosomes specified by the user. It does some typical preprocessing and I/O. } \usage{ segChrom(y, probeAnno, chr=1:17, strands=c("+", "-"), nrBasesPerSegment = 1500, maxk = 3000, step = 7, confint = FALSE, confintLevel = 0.95, useLocks=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, savedir) } \arguments{ \item{y}{ExpressionSet or matrix containing the data to be segmented.} \item{probeAnno}{environment with probe annotations. See package \code{davidTiling} for an example (?probeAnno).} \item{chr}{integer scalar or vector specifying which chromosome(s) to segment.} \item{strands}{character scalar or vector specifying which strands to segment.} \item{nrBasesPerSegment}{integer (length 1): the parameter \code{maxseg} of the \code{\link{segment}} function is calculated as the length of the chromosome divided by \code{nrBasesPerSegment}. Thus, it determines the average segment length in the finest segmentation.} \item{maxk}{passed on to the function \code{\link{segment}}.} \item{step}{integer scalar, indicating the minimum distance between consecutive probes. In cases when probes are offset by less than \code{step} bases, the probes are sampled to achieve the desired spacing.} \item{confint}{logical scalar. If \code{TRUE}, confidence intervals for each change-point are calculated.} \item{confintLevel}{numeric scalar between 0 and 1 indicating the probability level for the confidence intervals that are calculated for each change-point.} \item{useLocks}{logical scalar. Should a file locking mechanism be used that allows for a simple-minded parallelization of this function.} \item{verbose}{logical scalar. Should we be chatty about our progress?} \item{savedir}{character scalar. If specified, resulting \code{segmentation} objects are saved (with \code{\link{save}}) to this directory.} } \details{ This function is a wrapper for the \code{\link{segment}} function. Refer to its help page for further details. } \value{ An environment containing S4 objects of class \code{"segmentation"} called "1.+", "1.-", etc. (depending on the values in \code{chr} and \code{strands}), where "+" and "-" indicate the strand and the preceding number refers to the chromosome. If \code{savedir} is specified, there is also the side-effect that a series of files "1.+.rda", "1.-.rda", etc. is saved in that directory.} \author{Matt Ritchie and Wolfgang Huber } \examples{ \dontrun{ library("davidTiling") data("davidTiling") data("probeAnno") isDNA = seq(1:3) yn = normalizeByReference(davidTiling[,-isDNA],davidTiling[,isDNA], probeAnno=probeAnno) seg = segChrom(yn, probeAnno) ## this will take a while to run! } } \keyword{manip}