\name{plotFeatures} \alias{plotFeatures} \title{Plot genomic features for a region along a chromosome} \keyword{hplot} \description{Plot genomic features for a region along a chromosome} \usage{ plotFeatures(gff, chr, xlim, strand, vpr, featureColorScheme=1, featureExclude=c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match", "insertion"), featureNoLabel=c("uORF", "CDS"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{gff}{data frame with genome annotation from the GFF file.} \item{chr}{integer of length 1 specifying the chromosome to plot the features for.} \item{xlim}{integer of length 2 with start and end coordinates (in bases) for plotting.} \item{strand}{character scalar which should be set to either \code{+} or \code{-} to indicate which strand of DNA to plot the features from.} \item{vpr}{which viewport to plot the features in.} \item{featureColorScheme}{numeric scalar, used to select a color scheme for the boxes representing genomic features such as coding sequences, ncRNAs etc. Currently the only value supported is 1.} \item{featureExclude}{character vector of names of feature types (in gff) that should not be plotted. Default is \code{"chromosome"}, \code{"nucleotide_match"} and \code{"insertion"}. Additional possible candidates include: \code{"ARS"}, \code{"repeat\_region"}, \code{"repeat\_family"} and \code{"nc\_primary\_transcript"}.} \item{featureNoLabel}{character vector, names of feature types (in gff) that should not be labelled with their names (if they are plotted).} \item{...}{additional arguments.} } \details{ This function is called by \code{plotAlongChrom} when the \code{gff} argument has been specified. It should not be called directly by the user.} \author{Wolfgang Huber } \examples{}