\name{findSegments} \alias{findSegments} \title{Fit a piecewise constant curve to a sequence of numbers -- OBSOLETE, please use function segment instead.} \description{ This function is only here for backward compatibility - please use \code{\link{segment}}. The function fits a piecewise constant curve to a sequence of numbers using a simple least squares cost function and the dynamic programming algorithm described by Picard et al. (see reference). } \usage{ findSegments(x, maxcp, maxk, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Numeric (real) vector.} \item{maxcp}{Integer (length 1): maximum number of segments (= 1 + maximum number of change points).} \item{maxk}{Integer (length 1): maximum length of a segment.} \item{verbose}{Logical: if this parameter has a positive value, various diagnostic output is printed.} } \details{The complexity of the algorithm is \code{length(x)*maxk} in memory and \code{length(x)*maxk*maxcp} in time.} \value{ An object of class \code{"segmentation"} A list with elements \item{J}{likelihood criterion} \item{th}{matrix of segment start points} \item{dat}{the data used for the segmentation} \item{call}{the function call}. See the vignette, and the paper cited below for details. } \note{This function is depracated and replaced by function \code{segment}, but still included for backward compability. } \author{W. Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}, Joern Toedling \email{toedling@ebi.ac.uk}} \references{A statistical approach for CGH microarray data analysis. Franck Picard, Stephane Robin, Marc Lavielle, Christian Vaisse, Gilles Celeux, Jean-Jacques Daudin, Rapport de recherche No. 5139, Mars 2004, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), ISSN 0249-6399. The code of this function is based on the Matlab implementation presented at \url{http://www.inapg.fr/ens_rech/mathinfo/recherche/mathematique/outil.html}, but it has evolved.} \examples{ x = rep( sin((0:4)/2*pi), each=3) + rnorm(3*5, sd=0.1) res = findSegments(x, maxcp=6, maxk=15) } \keyword{manip}