\name{segmentation} \docType{class} \alias{segmentation-class} \alias{confint} \alias{logLik} \alias{confint,segmentation-method} \alias{logLik,segmentation-method} \alias{plot,segmentation,ANY-method} \alias{show,segmentation-method} \concept{plot} \concept{show} \concept{confint} \concept{logLik} \title{ The class segmentation represents a segmentation result. } \description{ This class represents the result of a segmentation, usually a call to the function \code{segment}. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the function \code{segment} or by calls of the form \code{new("segmentation", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{y}:}{A matrix with the data (the dependent variable(s)), see \code{\link{segment}}.} \item{\code{x}:}{A numeric vector with the regressor variable. The length of this vector must be either the same as \code{nrow(y)}, or 0. The latter case is equivalent to \code{x=1:nrow(y)}.} \item{\code{flag}:}{An integer vector, whose length must be either the same as \code{nrow(y)}, or 0. This can be used to \emph{flag} certain probes for special treatment, for example by \code{\link{plotAlongChrom}}.} \item{\code{breakpoints}:}{List of segmentations. The element \code{breakpoints[[j]]} corresponds to a segmentation fit of \code{j} segments, i.e. with \code{j-1} breakpoints. It is a matrix with \code{(j-1)} rows and 1 or 3 columns. It always contains a column named \code{estimate} with the point estimates. Optionally, it may contain columns \code{lower} and \code{upper} with the confidence intervals. The point estimates are the row indices in \code{y} where new segments start, for example: let \code{z=breakpoints[[j]]}, then the first segment is from row \code{1} to \code{z[1, "estimate"]-1}, the second from row \code{z[1, "estimate"]} to \code{z[2, "estimate"]-1}, and so on.} \item{\code{negloglik}:}{Numeric vector of the same length as \code{breakpoints}. The negative log-likelihood of the piecewise constant models under the data \code{y}.} \item{\code{hasConfint}:}{Logical vector of the same length as \code{breakpoints}. TRUE if the confidence interval estimates are present, i.e. if the matrix \code{breakpoints[[j]]} has columns \code{lower} and \code{upper}.} \item{\code{nrSegments}:}{A scalar integer, value must be either \code{NA} or between \code{1} and \code{length(breakpoints)}. Can be used to select one of the fits in \code{breakpoints} for special treatment, for example by \code{\link{plotAlongChrom}}.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{confint}{The method \code{confint(object, parm, level=0.95, het.reg=FALSE, het.err=FALSE, ...)} computes confidence intervals for the change point estimates of the segmentation. Typically, these were obtained from a previous call to the function \code{\link{segment}} that created the object. This is just a wrapper for the function \code{\link[strucchange]{confint.breakpointsfull}} from the \code{strucchange} package, which does all the hard computations. Parameters: \code{object} an object of class \code{segmentation}, \code{parm} an integer vector, it determines for which of the segmentation fits confidence intervals are computed. See also \code{\link{segment}}. The other parameters are directly passed on to \code{\link[strucchange]{confint.breakpointsfull}}. } \item{logLik}{The method \code{logLik(object, penalty="none", ...)} returns the log-likelihoods of fitted models. Valid values for the argument \code{penalty} are \code{none}, \code{AIC} and \code{BIC}.} \item{plot}{The method \code{plot(x, y, xlim, xlab="x", ylab="y", bpcol="black", bplty=1, pch=16, ...)} provides a simple visualization of the result of a segmentation. Parameters: \code{x} an object of class \code{segmentation}, \code{y} an integer between \code{1} and \code{length(x@breakpoints)}, selecting which of the fits contained in \code{x} to plot, \code{bpcol} and \code{bplty} color and line type of breakpoints. The plot shows the numeric data along with breakpoints and if available their confidence intervals.} \item{show}{summary.} } } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Wolfgang Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \seealso{\code{\link{segment}}} \keyword{classes} \examples{ ## generate random data with 5 segments: y = unlist(lapply(c(0,3,0.5,1.5,5), function(m) rnorm(10, mean=m))) seg = segment(y, maxseg=10, maxk=15) seg = confint(seg, parm=c(3,4,5)) if(interactive()) plot(seg, 5) show(seg) }