\name{marrayFit-class} \docType{class} \alias{marrayFit-class} \alias{marrayFit} \title{ Class "marrayFit", storing parameters and results of post-normalization cDNA microarray data } \description{ A simple list-based class for the storage of parameters and results of normalization of cDNA microarray data.} \section{Creating Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new('marrayFit', fit)} where \code{fit} is a list. Objects of \code{marrayFit} in the \code{StepNorm} package are typically created by functions \code{\link{fitWithin}} and \code{\link{fit2DWithin}}. } \section{List Components}{ This class contains no slots, but objects should contain the following list components: \describe{ \item{varfun}{: A character vector of names of predictor variables.} \item{x}{: A numeric matrix of predictor variables.} \item{y}{: A numeric matrix of repsonses.} \item{residuals}{: A numeric matrix of normalized values (typically log ratios (\eqn{M}))}. \item{fitted}{: A numeric matrix of the fitted values.} \item{enp}{: The equivalent number of parameters; see \code{\link{loess}}.} \item{df.residual}{: The residual degrees of freedom.} \item{fun}{: A character string indicating the name of the function used for normalization.} } } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class \code{list} so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. } \author{ Yuanyuan Xiao, \email{yxiao@itsa.ucsf.edu}, \cr Jean Yee Hwa Yang, \email{jean@biostat.ucsf.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{fitWithin}}, \code{\link{fit2DWithin}}.} \examples{ ## load in swirl data data(swirl) ## median normalization for the first slide of the swirl data medWithin <- fitWithin(fun="medfit") ## medFit is an object of class marrayFit medFit <- medWithin(swirl[,1]) ## normalized ratios is stored in: norm.M <- medFit$residuals } \keyword{classes}