\name{stamNode-class} \docType{class} \alias{stamNode-class} \alias{getGOchildren,stamNode-method} \alias{getGOchildren,character-method} \alias{getGOparents,stamNode-method} \alias{getGOparents,character-method} \alias{getGOterm,stamNode-method} \alias{getGOterm,character-method} \alias{initialize,stamNode-method} \alias{print,stamNode-method} \alias{writeHTML,stamNode-method} \title{Nodes in a Classifier Net by StAM} \description{ Objects of this class and its subclasses represent single nodes in a classifier net as it is used by structured analysis of microarray data. } \section{Objects from the Classes}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("stamNode", ID, supNode)}. \item{ID}{is the GO identifier as character string} \item{supNode}{indicates whether the node is a supplementary node to avoid nodes which have both, genes directly annotated and children in the stamNet.} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ID}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, holds the GO identifier as character string} \item{\code{category}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, represents the GO ontology the node belongs (MF: molecular function, BP: biological process, CC: cellular component).} \item{\code{replacedParents}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, holds all GO identifiers of nodes which have been removed, because the had only one child.} \item{\code{supNode}:}{Object of class \code{"logical"}, indicates whether the nodes has been added to avoid nodes which have both directly annotated genes as well as children in the classifier graph} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{getGOchildren}{\code{signature(x = "stamNode")}: returns the identifiers of the direct children of node x in the Gene Ontology.} \item{getGOchildren}{\code{signature(x = "character")}: returns the identifiers of the direct children of the node with identifier x in the Gene Ontology.} \item{getGOparents}{\code{signature(x = "stamNode")}: returns the identifiers of the direct parents of node x in the Gene Ontology.} \item{getGOparents}{\code{signature(x = "character")}: returns the identifiers of the direct parents of the node with identifier x in the Gene Ontology.} \item{getGOterm}{\code{signature(x = "stamNode")}: returns the GO term represented by node x.} \item{getGOterm}{\code{signature(x = "character")}: returns the GO term represented by the node with identifier x.} \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "stamNode")} print information on the node.} \item{writeHTML}{\code{signature(x = "stamNode")} generate HTML information on the node.} } } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{stamLeaf-class}}, \code{\link{stamINode-class}}} \keyword{classes}