\name{stam.serve} \alias{stam.serve} \title{StAM server launch and installation} \description{ stam.serve installs StAM's server feature if it has not been installed before. Moreover it launches the StAM server needed to use StAM output interactively through the internet. } \usage{ stam.serve(tmp.path = NULL, cgi.path = NULL, cgi.url = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{tmp.path}{the path to the directory where files are stored for communication between your WWW-server and the StAM-server.} \item{cgi.path}{the path to the directory in which the StAM-related CGI scripts are to be stored. Make sure that your WWW-server can execute CGI scripts from here and that access rights are set correctly.} \item{cgi.url}{the URL prefix needed to access the CGI scripts, i.e. the directory specified in cgi.path.} } \details{ The stam package provides a feature to manipulate some parameters interactively using HTML forms. This feature needs a WWW browser which is able to execute CGI scripts. The HTML output used to work with interactively must be generated with the stam.write.forms option turned on. StAM provides a set of CGI scripts which are called from the forms written into the HTML code when the above mentioned option is turned on. This scripts write task files into the directory given by tmp.path. This directory must have write permission for the WWW server. The StAM server regularly checks this directory for such tasks and executes them. stam.serve installs the StAM server feature when it is called the first time after the installation of the stam package. Firstly, this consists of registering the three parameters of stam.serve into the package installation such that they can be reloaded when the packages is loaded into R the next time. For this purpose a dataset is written into the installation, thus you need write permissions in the corresponding directory. Secondly, the cgi.url is written into StAM's CGI scripts and these scripts are written into the cgi.path. When the installation of StAM's server feature is complete, stam.serve starts checking the directory where it expects the tasks written by the CGI scripts and is thus ready for operation. After the server feature has been installed the server can be launched simply by calling stam.serve() without parameters. A second call with parameters modifies the StAM server installation accordingly. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \note{ \item You need write permission in the stam installation directory in order to install StAM's server feature. \item You need write permission in the directory where the CGI scripts are to be deposited in order to install StAM's server feature. \item You must regenerate all HTML you want to work with through the stam server after installation of the server feature. \item You must turn on the stam.write.forms option when generating HTML for use with the server feature. } \seealso{\code{\link{stam.writeHTML}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # make sure subsequent calls to stam.writeHTML generate forms options(stam.write.forms=TRUE) # first call to stam.serve after installation of the stam package stam.serve(tmp.path = "/home/myhome/upload", cgi.path = "/home/myhome/cgi-bin/stam", cgi.url = "http://www.myserver.com/cgi-bin/stam") # subsequent calls to launch StAM server without modifying the installation stam.serve() }} \keyword{hplot}