\name{stam.graph.plot} \alias{stam.graph.plot} \title{Draw StAM Model Fit Graph} \description{ This function uses graphviz to layout a graph plot of a model fit. In addition a client side clickable map is returned to added to an HTML page. } \usage{ stam.graph.plot(x, outfile = "", pointsize = 10, width = 9, height = 6) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the stamFit object holding the model to be drawn} \item{outfile}{name of output file without extension.} \item{pointsize}{the standard font size} \item{width}{width of plot in inches} \item{height}{height of plot in inches} } \details{ This function generates a file in the dot language for graphviz. It uses the dot program to produce the layout of the graph and png as well as postscript files of this layout. Moreover, a client-side clickable map is generated which can be included in an HTML page. } \value{ A character string containing HTNL code for a clickable map. } \note{ This function only works on unix systems with graphviz installed. } \references{ Gansner ER, North SC. "An open graph visualization system and its applications to software engineering". Software Practice and Experience, 1999, pp. 1--5. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{stam.fit}}} \keyword{hplot}