\name{stam.fit} \alias{stam.fit} \title{Fit StAM Model to Training Data} \description{ Using the whole expression data provided fit one StAM model according to the chosen shrinkage level. } \usage{ stam.fit(cv, expression.matrix, collapse.scnodes = FALSE, alpha = 0.5, delta = NULL, max.nodes = 100) } \arguments{ \item{cv}{result stam.cv on the same data, must be of class \code{stamCV}} \item{expression.matrix}{holds the expression levels. It may be of class \code{exprSet} or \code{ExpressionSet}, or a plain numeric matrix. In the first case \code{exprs} is used to extract the expression levels. The matrix is expected to hold one column per sample and one row per probeset.} \item{collapse.scnodes}{if set to TRUE replace single children nodes after shrinkage} \item{alpha}{root performance vs. mean redundancy weight. If set to NULL the root error rate is used exclusively to determine the best shrinkage level. If a numeric vector is provided, all alternatives are computed and the user is given an interactive choice. Values between 0 and 1 are valid, 0 meaning exclusive weight on redundancy and 1 putting exclusive weight on performance.} \item{delta}{overrule alpha and set shrinkage level explicitely.} \item{max.nodes}{choose default shrinkage level such that no more than this number of nodes remain after shrinkage. } } \details{ In a first step \code{stam.fit} must choose a shrinkage level. In order to do so it uses results stored in the cv. If the user provides a shrinkage level explicitly this \code{delta} is used. If he specifies a single weighting factor \code{alpha} the corresponding weighted score is used to determine the best shrinkage level. If \code{alpha} is set to a vector of values, the corresponding scores are computed and a default \code{delta} is suggested using the median value of the \code{alphas}. If this shrinkage level leads to more than \code{max.nodes} nodes remaining the shrinkage level is increase until no more than \code{max.nodes} remain after shrinkage. Using the thus determined shrinkage level a weighting of nodes is computed using the leaf node results from \code{cv}. Thereby, the whole dataset supplied is used. } \value{ An object of class stamFit is returned. You may use the print and plot methods to further investigate the returned value. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{stam.cv}}, \code{\link{stamFit-class}}, \code{\link{plot.stamFit}}, \code{\link{stam.graph.plot}}, \code{\link{stam.writeHTML}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # prepare data library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Merge) # load and prepare some data golubTrain <- Golub_Merge[,1:38] data(golubTrain.cv) # compute fit golubTrain.fit <- stam.fit(golubTrain.cv, golubTrain, alpha=seq(0, 1, 0.1)) # investigate print(golubTrain.fit) plot(golubTrain.fit) } # show clickable web-page \dontrun{ map <- stam.graph.plot(golubTrain.fit, outfile="golubTrain") cat("", map, "", "\n", file="graph_plot.html") browseURL(paste("file://", getwd(), "/graph_plot.html", sep="")) }} \keyword{classif}