\name{plot.stamPrediction} \alias{plot.stamPrediction} \title{Scatter Plot on Node Results} \description{ Plots nodewise performance vs. redundancy as well as nodewise sensitivity vs. specificity side by side. } \usage{ \method{plot}{stamPrediction}(x, outfile = NULL, aclass = NULL, main = NULL, minspec = 0.9, minsens = 0.1, maxsens = 1, res = 72, ps = FALSE, pointsize = 12, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class stamPrediction to be plotted} \item{outfile}{name of output file if postscript or PNG graphics is to be generated. The extension of the file is chosen automatically according to the \code{ps} argument. If no outfile is specified, an interactive plot is attempted} \item{aclass}{the name of the phenotype class of interest, usually the disease class. If set to NULL the first class in lexicographical order is chosen.} \item{main}{the main title of the plot, generated automatically if left blank} \item{minspec}{if given the corresponding horizontal line is drawn in the sensitivity vs. specificity plot} \item{minsens}{if given the corresponding vertical line is drawn in the sensitivity vs. specificity plot} \item{maxsens}{if given the corresponding vertical line is drawn in the sensitivity vs. specificity plot} \item{res}{resolution in points per inch} \item{ps}{if set to TRUE postscript output is generated} \item{pointsize}{the standard fontsize} \item{\dots}{additional arguments to be passed to plot} } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link{stam.predict}}} \keyword{hplot}