\name{golubTrain.fit} \alias{golubTrain.fit} \docType{data} \title{Examplar StAM Model Fit} \description{ This data set has been generated by \code{stam.fit}. It has been computed on the Golub data set on leukemia, the classification task being to separate AML from ALL patients. } \usage{data(golubTrain.cv)} \format{This is a \code{stamFit} object} \details{ The original data set is drawn from the \code{golubEsets} library. The samples 1 to 38 have been fed to \code{stam.cv} to generate the \code{golubTrain.cv}. This set in turn was given to \code{stam.fit} to generate the data set at hand. } \seealso{\code{\link{stamFit-class}}, \code{\link{stam.fit}}, \code{\link{golubTrain.cv}}} \keyword{datasets}