\name{computeZoneIInfo } \alias{computeZoneIInfo} \title{ Compute zone background and noise } \description{ Computes the background and noise for a given zone of a single Affymetrix GeneChip } \usage{ computeZoneIInfo(ZoneInfo, NumberBGCells) } \arguments{ \item{ZoneInfo}{ vector of intensities in a given zone } \item{NumberBGCells}{ number of background cells for the GeneChip } } \details{ Calculates background and noise for a zone using the algorithms described in the Affymetrix Statistical Algorithms Description Document. This is an internal function that will generally not be accessed directly. } \value{\code{computeZoneIInfo} returns a list containing the following components: \item{background }{ background value for the given zone } \item{noise }{ noise value for the given zone } } \references{ Affymetrix (2002) Statistical Algorithms Description Document, Affymetrix Inc., Santa Clara, CA, whitepaper. \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/support/technical/whitepapers/sadd_whitepaper.pdf} } \author{ Richard Kennedy \email{rkennedy@vcu.edu}} \note{ Based on Affymetrix MAS5 Statistical SDK source code \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/Auth/support/developer/stat_sdk/STAT_SDK_source.zip}, as well as C++ code by Li Zhang and Delphi code by Robnet Kerns } \keyword{ manip }