\name{plot.SpliceExprSet} \alias{plot.SpliceExprSet} \title{ plot a SpliceExprSet } \description{ Plot a object of class \code{SpliceExprSet} } \usage{ \method{plot}{SpliceExprSet}(x, probes.opt = list(), expr.opt = list(col = NA, lty = 1:6), fig.xratio = c(2, 1), fig.yratio = c(2, 1), probepos.yscale = NULL, ylim, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a \code{\link{SpliceExprSet-class}}} \item{probes.opt}{ optional parameters to be passed for the plotting of the \code{\link{Probes-class}} } \item{expr.opt}{ optional parameters to be passed for the plotting of the \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}} } \item{fig.xratio}{ ratio between the left and right parts of the plot } \item{fig.yratio}{ ratio between the upper and lower parts of the plot } \item{probepos.yscale}{ enforce `y' positions for the probes. } \item{ylim}{range for the y-axis} \item{\dots}{ optional parameters to be passed to the function \code{plot} } } \details{ The argument \code{probepos.yscale} can be used to scale probes according to their position on the reference sequence, as shown in the last example below. } \value{ function used for its side-effect(s). } \author{ laurent } \seealso{\code{\link{SpliceExprSet-class}} } \examples{ data(spliceset) levels(pData(spliceset@eset)$Material) ## Liver, Mix and SNB19 cl.mat <- c("red", "yellow","blue")[as.integer(pData(spliceset@eset)$Material)] ## colored in red, yellow and blue respectively plot(spliceset, expr.opt = list(col = cl.mat, log = "x")) ## sort spliceset <- sort.SpliceExprSet(spliceset) begin.pos <- spliceset@probes@pos[, 1] plot(spliceset, expr.opt = list(col=cl.mat), probepos.yscale = begin.pos) } \keyword{ hplot }