\name{spikeLI-package} \alias{spikeLI-package} \alias{spikeLI} \docType{package} \title{ Analysis of Affymetrix spike-in data (HGU95 and HGU133 Latin square) using the Langmuir Isotherm. } \description{ spikeLI performs a series of analysis of Affymetrix spike-in data using inputs from physical-chemistry. It illustrates the advantages of such approach in determining expression levels and in identifying outliers compared to other methods. The analysis so far is restricted to spike-in genes. It will be extended to a generic CEL file. spikeLI does not require affy (and it is independent of any other bioconductor packages) as it reads spike-in data from a data frame variable hgu which is contained in the package. } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab spikeLI\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2006-05-05\cr License: \tab GNU Public License\cr } The package contains three basic functions: - Ivsc plot intensities as function of spike-in concentration for a fixed probe. - IvsDG plot intensities as function of affinity for a given probe set at fixed concentration. - collapse plot of intensities both as a function of concentration and affinities. } \author{ Delphine Baillon, Paul Leclercq, Sarah Ternisien, Thomas Heim and Enrico Carlon Maintainer: Enrico Carlon } \seealso{ \code{\link{collapse}}, \code{\link{Ivsc}}, \code{\link{IvsDG}}, \code{\link{hgu}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_IN}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INA}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INB}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INH}} , \code{\link{SPIKE_IN95}} } \references{ E. Carlon and T. Heim, Physica A 362, 433 (2006). } \keyword{ package } \keyword{ models }