\name{collapse} \alias{collapse} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Data collapse of all concentrations into a single graph } \description{ This function takes as input one or more (up to four) probe sets of the Latin square spike-in data and produces collapse plots. A collapse plot contains data of different concentrations into a single graph. The user can compare in how far the data follows the predicted Langmuir behavior which is also given in the plot. Two models are compared: the basic Langmuir Isotherm and the Langmuir Isotherm with hybridization in solution. } \usage{ collapse(probe_set, param = "NULL", probes = "NULL", output = "NULL", filename = "NULL") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{probe_set}{ This has to take the value of a probe set } \item{param}{ In input one or more probe sets can be given } \item{probes}{ A vector containing the probes } \item{output}{ "PS" output on a postscript file } \item{filename}{ the file in which collapses are given } } \references{ E. Carlon and T. Heim, Physica A 362, 433 (2006).} \seealso{ \code{\link{Ivsc}}, \code{\link{IvsDG}}, \code{\link{hgu}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_IN}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INA}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INB}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INH}} } \author{ Delphine Baillon, Paul Leclercq, Sarah Ternisien, Thomas Heim and Enrico Carlon } \examples{ ## You may display the matched intensities of a Probe-Set according to the Delta-G value collapse("1091_at") ## You may restrict the value to the Perfect match or mis-matches collapse("1091_at","PM") ## You may restrict the values risplayed for only a number of probes collapse("1091_at",probes=c(1,9)) ## You may output the graphs to a postscript file collapse("1091_at",output="PS",filename="outfile.ps") ## You may display up to 4 probe-sets in the same window collapse(c("1091_at","37777_at",SPIKE_INA[1:2])) ## You can also use the values of the probe-sets contained in one of the Vectors of Human, Bacteria, ## or Artificial Probe-sets collapse(SPIKE_INH) } \keyword{ models }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{ data }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line