\name{Ivsc} \alias{Ivsc} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Plot of intensity vs. concentration for given probes } \description{ The function Ivsc plots intensity as a function of a concentration for a given probe in the spike-in Latin square experiments. It also peforms a non-linear data fit (using the package nls in the R-package stats) of the experimental data using the Langmuir Isotherm: I = I0 + Ac/(K+c) Solid and dashed lines are best fits according to this formula. Imax in the plot are given by Imax=I0+A, ie the asymptotic intensity in the limit of c to infinity. } \usage{ Ivsc(probe_set, probe = "NULL", outfile = "NULL") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{probe_set}{ Probe set number of the probe set analyzed } \item{probe}{ Integer giving the probe number (if not give the probe 1 is selected) } \item{outfile}{output the plotted data to a postscript file} } \references{ E. Carlon and T. Heim, Physica A 362, 433 (2006). } \author{ Delphine Baillon, Paul Leclercq, Sarah Ternisien, Thomas Heim and Enrico Carlon Maintainer: Enrico Carlon } \section{Warning }{ Some probes have an irregular behavior and the non-linear square fit does not converge.} \seealso{ \code{\link{collapse}}, \code{\link{IvsDG}}, \code{\link{hgu}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_IN}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INA}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INB}}, \code{\link{SPIKE_INH}} } \examples{ Ivsc("37777_at",4) } \keyword{ models } \keyword{ data }