\name{row.summary} \alias{row.summary} \title{Summarize rows of a snp matrix} \description{ This function calculates call rates and heterozygosity for each row of a an object of class \code{"snp.matrix"} } \usage{ row.summary(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{genotype data as a \code{\link{snp.matrix-class}} or \code{\link{X.snp.matrix-class}} object} } \value{ A data frame with rows corresponding to rows of the input object and with columns/elements: \item{Call.rate }{Proportion of SNPs called} \item{Heterozygosity}{Proportion of called SNPs which are heterozygous} } \note{The current version does not deal with the X chromosome differently, so that males are counted as homozygous} \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(testdata) rs <- row.summary(Autosomes) summary(rs) rs <- row.summary(Xchromosome) summary(rs) } \keyword{utilities}