\name{read.snps.chiamo} \alias{read.snps.chiamo} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Read genotype data from the output of Chiamo} \description{ This function reads data from the raw output of Chiamo } \usage{ read.snps.chiamo(filename, sample.list, threshold) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filename}{List of file names of output from Chiamo ; the outcome is the concatenation from runs of Chiamo, e.g. on blocks of SNPs, which is often done for practical reasons} \item{sample.list}{A character vector giving the sample list} \item{threshold}{Cut-off for the posterior probability for a no-call} } \details{ The raw output of Chiamo consists of the first 5 columns of \code{\link{read.wtccc.signals}}, followed by triplets of posterior probabilities of calling A-A, A-B, or B-B. The sample list can typically be obtained using \code{\link{wtccc.sample.list}}, from one of the (smaller) signal files, which are the inputs to Chiamo. } \value{ The result is a list of two items: \item{snp.data}{The genotype data as a \code{\link{snp.matrix-class}} object.} \item{snp.support}{The information from the first 5 columns of \code{\link{read.wtccc.signals}}.} } \references{To obtain a copy of the Chiamo software please email Jonathan L. Marchini . } \author{Hin-Tak Leung \email{htl10@users.sourceforge.net}} \note{ } \seealso{\code{\link{wtccc.sample.list}}, \code{\link{read.wtccc.signals}}} \examples{ # } \keyword{IO} \keyword{file}