\name{sampleSize.matched} \alias{sampleSize.matched} \title{ Sample Size Calculation for Matched-Pairs Designs in Microarray Studies } \description{ This routine computes the sample size \code{n} required to achieve a specified power level for a matched-pairs design in which differential expression between \code{n} treatment units and \code{n} matched control units is of interest. The total number of experimental units for the study is \code{2n}.} \usage{ sampleSize.matched(ER0, G0, power, absMu1, sigmad) } \arguments{ \item{ER0}{mean number of false positives.} \item{G0}{anticipated number of genes in the experiment that are not differentially expressed.} \item{power}{ specified power level for an individual gene, which represents the expected proportion of differentially expressed genes that will be declared as such by the tests. } \item{absMu1}{ absolute mean difference in log-expression between treatment and control units as postulated under the alternative hypothesis H1. } \item{sigmad}{ anticipated standard deviation of the difference in log-expression between matched treatment and control units.} } \value{ \item{n}{sample size for each group.} \item{d}{statistical difference between treatment and control conditions under H1 (i.e. \code{d=absMu1/sigmad}).} } \references{ Lee, M.-L. T. (2004). Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression Data. \emph{Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-7087-2.} Lee, M.-L. T., Whitmore, G. A. (2002). Power and sample size for DNA microarray studies. \emph{Statistics in Medicine, \bold{21}:3543-3570.} } \note{ Examples and explainations can be found in \url{ http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/people/faculty/mltlee/pdf/Web-sampsize-matched050510.pdf}. } \author{ Weiliang Qiu (\email{weiliang.qiu@gmail.com}), Mei-Ling Ting Lee (\email{meilinglee@sph.osu.edu}), George Alex Whitmore (\email{george.whitmore@mcgill.ca}) } \seealso{ \code{\link{power.randomized}}, \code{\link{power.matched}} \code{\link{power.multi}}, \code{\link{sampleSize.randomized}} } \examples{ sampleSize.matched(ER0=1, G0=2000, power=0.9, absMu1=1, sigmad=0.5) } \keyword{htest} \keyword{design}