\name{runAPComplex} \alias{runAPComplex} \title{A function that calls the complex estimation function, apComplex on the simulated output from runSimulators} \description{ The runAPComplex function takes the simulated AP-MS experimental data (represented as an adjacency matrix) and deletes the proteins from this matrix that is either not used as a bait nor ever seen as a prey in the experiment. After the deletion, the apComplex is called on the resulting matrix. } \usage{ runAPComplex(errorModel, vBaits) } \arguments{ \item{errorModel}{An adjacency matrix: the rows are indexed by the baits and the columns are indexed by all the proteins found in the organism or cell under certain conditions} \item{vBaits}{A character vector: baits used in the simulated AP-MS experiment} } \details{ This function runs the estimation algorithm apComplex. The algorithm accomplishes two things: it makes decision on if a directed edge is a True Positive (TP) or False Positive (FP) and if a missing directed edge is a True Negative (TN) or False Negative; after total reciprocity is decided, apComplex estimates the protein complex bi-partite graph matrix. } \value{ The return value errorComplex is the Bi-partite Graph Incidence Matrix estimated by apComplex. } \author{Tony Chiang } \examples{ #data(TSNMatrix) #data(vBaits) #data(missedProtEX) #sim = runSimulators(TSNMatrix, vBaits, vBaits[2], vBaits[5], 0.0003, #0.1, 0, 0, missedProtEX, 357) #runAPComplex(sim, vBaits) } \keyword{datagen}