\name{get.annotation} \alias{get.annotation} \alias{write.annotation} \alias{results.summary} \title{ Get annotation data for a gene list} \description{ Takes a vector of probeset names and a CDF name. Produces a table of annotations, containing gene name, description, sequence accession number and unigene accession number for each probeset. In addition, write.annotation is a utility function that outputs the annotation data in a form suitable for loading into excel and results.summary takes the outut of pairwise.comparison or pairwise.filter and spits out a table with the means of the replicates the fold-change between them (log2) and t-test p-values. This is followed by a table of annotation (produced by get.annotation). } \usage{ get.annotation(x, cdfname,verbose=FALSE) write.annotation(summary,file="results/annotation.table.xls") results.summary(results,cdfname) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a vector of probe names } \item{cdfname}{ the name of the chip (as produced by cdfName(AffyBatch) } \item{verbose}{ print out information if problems are found looking things up in the annotation data } \item{summary}{ a table of data to write in a format appropriate to read into Excel } \item{file}{ a table delimited file } \item{results}{ a PairComp object, as produced by pairwise.comparison and pairwise.filter } } \value{ A table containing annotation data } \references{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/ } \author{ Crispin J Miller } \examples{ \dontrun{ pw <- pairwise.comparison(eset.rma,"group",c("A","P")) pw.filtered <- pairwise.filter(pw) summary <- results.summary(pw.filtered,"hgu133a") write.annotation(file="spreadsheet.xls",summary) } } \keyword{ misc }