\name{writeSigPathway} \alias{writeSigPathway} \alias{writeSP} \title{Write results of pathway analysis to HTML format} \description{ Writes the table of top-ranked pathways and their associated probe set to HTML files. } \usage{ writeSigPathway(spList, resDir = getwd(), outputDirName = "sigPathway_results", topIndexFileName = "TopPathwaysTable.html") writeSP(rpDF, gpsList, parameterList = NULL, resDir = getwd(), outputDirName = "sigPathway_results", topIndexFileName = "TopPathwaysTable.html") } \arguments{ \item{spList}{a list containing the output from the \code{runSigPathway} function} \item{rpDF}{a data frame of top-ranked pathways from \code{rankPathways} or \code{rankPathways.NGSk}} \item{gpsList}{a list containing data frames of probes represented in gene sets from \code{getPathwayStatistics} or \code{getPathwayStatistics.NGSk}} \item{parameterList}{a list containing the values of parameters used in the analysis} \item{resDir}{a character string specifying the file directory to write the results} \item{outputDirName}{a character string specifying the folder to write the results within \code{resDir}} \item{topIndexFileName}{a character string specifying the name for the HTML file containing the table of top-ranked pathways} } \details{ These functions export the results of the pathway analysis (e.g., \code{runSigPathway}) to several HTML files. The user can then quickly browse through the files for genes of interest within the top-ranked genes. } \value{ None returned } \note{This function only uses the output of \code{runSigPathway} to generate the HTML files. Please see the help page of \code{runSigPathway} for example usage. The \code{writeSP} function should be used for those who have taken calculated the pathway statistics separately as shown in the help file of \code{calculate.NTk}, \code{calculate.NEk}, and \code{calculate.NGSk} } \author{Weil Lai} \keyword{array} \keyword{htest}