\name{rankPathways} \alias{rankPathways} \title{Summarizes Top Pathways from Pathway Analyses} \description{ Summarizes top pathways from pathway analyses. } \usage{ rankPathways(res.A, res.B, G, tab, phenotype, gsList, ngroups, methodNames = NULL, npath = 25, allpathways = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{res.A}{a list from the output of \code{calculate.NTk} or \code{calculate.NEk}} \item{res.B}{a list from the output of \code{calculate.NTk} or \code{calculate.NEk}} \item{G}{a list containing the source, title, and probe sets associated with each curated pathway} \item{tab}{a numeric matrix of expression values, with the rows and columns representing probe sets and sample arrays, respectively} \item{phenotype}{a numeric (or character if \code{ngroups} >= 2) vector indicating the phenotype} \item{gsList}{a list containing three vectors from the output of the \code{selectGeneSets} function} \item{ngroups}{an integer indicating the number of groups in the matrix} \item{methodNames}{a character vector of length 2 giving the names for \code{res.A} and \code{res.B}} \item{npath}{an integer indicating the number of top gene sets to consider from each statistic when ranking the top pathways} \item{allpathways}{a boolean to indicate whether to include the top \code{npath} pathways from each statistic or just consider the top \code{npath} pathways (sorted by the sum of ranks of both statistics) when generating the summary table} } \details{ This function ranks together the statistics given in \code{res.A} and \code{res.B} and summarizes the top gene sets in a tabular format similar to Table 2 in Tian et al. (2005) } \value{ A data frame showing the pathways' indices in \code{G}, gene set category, pathway title, set size, \code{res.A}'s statistics, \code{res.B}'s statistics, the corresponding q-values, and the ranks for the top gene sets. } \references{ Tian L., Greenberg S.A., Kong S.W., Altschuler J., Kohane I.S., Park P.J. (2005) Discovering statistically significant pathways in expression profiling studies. \emph{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA}, \bold{102}, 13544-9. \url{http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0506577102} } \note{See the help page for \code{calculate.NTk} or \code{calculate.NEk} for example code that uses \code{rankPathways}} \author{Lu Tian, Peter Park, and Weil Lai} \keyword{array} \keyword{htest}