\name{argoSession-class} \docType{class} \alias{argoSession-class} \alias{close,argoSession-method} \alias{initialize,argoSession-method} \title{Class "argoSession"} \description{An object representing a session in the Argo genome browser.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects may be created by calls of the form \code{\link{browserSession}("argo", name, jar)} where \code{name} is the name of the session in Argo and \code{jar} is the path to the installed Argo jar file. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{jref}:}{Object of class \code{"jobjRef"} holding the reference to the low-level Argo object. } \item{\code{seqcache}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"} that caches sequence objects after lookup from \acronym{UCSC}. } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{browserSession}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{\link{activeView}(object)}}{ Obtains the currently active \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} for this session. } \item{\code{\link{activeView<-}(object)}}{ Sets the currently active view for this session.} \item{\code{\link{browserView}(object, segment = genomeSegment(object),track = tracks(object, segment, TRUE), ...)}}{ Creates a \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} of \code{segment} with visible tracks named in \code{track}. Parameters in \code{...} correspond to slots in the \code{\linkS4class{genomeSegment}} class and override those in \code{segment}.} \item{\code{\link{browserViews}(object)}}{ Gets a list of the \code{\linkS4class{browserView}} instances for this session. } \item{\code{\link{close}(con)}}{ Closes this session. } \item{\code{\link{genomeSequence}(object, segment)}}{ Gets the genome sequence in \code{segment}. } \item{\code{\link{laySequence}(object, sequence, name, label = name)}}{ Stores \code{sequence} under \code{name}, labeled as \code{label} in the user interface. } \item{\code{\link{layTrack}(object, track, name = deparse(substitute(track)), view = TRUE)}}{ Stores \code{track} under \code{name}, opening a view of the track if \code{view} is \code{TRUE}.} \item{\code{\link{trackSet}(object, name, segment = genomeSegment(object))}}{ Obtains a \code{\linkS4class{trackSet}} named \code{name} from \code{segment}.} \item{\code{\link{tracks}(object, segment = NULL, visible = FALSE)}}{ Gets the names of tracks in \code{segment}. If \code{visible} is \code{TRUE}, only the visible tracks are returned. Note that in Argo tracks are visible on a global, not per-session nor per-view, basis. } } } \references{The Argo genome browser: \url{http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/argo/}} \author{ Michael Lawrence } \note{ In order to use this backend, the Argo jar file must be manually downloaded from the \acronym{URL} in the references. The call to \code{\link{browserSession}} must then pass the path to the jar file as the \code{jar} parameter. By default, the path is the \file{java} directory of the \pkg{rtracklayer} package. } \seealso{ \code{\link{browserSession}} for creating instances of this class. } \keyword{classes}