\name{showgate.FCS} \alias{showgate.FCS} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Showing the gate and the datapoints within the gate on a prevous plot} \description{ On an exisiting plot, the gate specified will be plotted and the datapoints lying within the gating range will be colored (default is the color purple). } \usage{ showgate.FCS(data.mat, gatingrange, Index, type = c("uniscut", "biscut", "bidcut", "bipcut"), IndexValue.In = 1, coltype = 12, pchtype = 8, biscut.quadrant = c("+/-","-/-", "+/+", "-/+")) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data.mat}{the data to be gated: \item{univariate case}{single column of values: a (m X 1) data vector where m is the number of cells/rows} \item{bivariate case}{matrix of two column variables: a (m X 2) data matrix where m is the number or cells/rows} } \item{gatingrange}{gating threshold range in one of the following formats for each type of gating: \item{"uniscut"}{univariate single cut; gatingrange $=$ x1 will select/include all points $>=$ x1 , x1 is numeric value} \item{"bidcut"}{bivariate double cut: gatingrange $=$ c(x1,x2, y1,y2), a numeric vector of lowerbound, upperbound cutoffs for x and y variables} \item{"biscut"}{bivariate single cut:gatingrange$=$c(x1,y1), a numeric vector of the cutoffs for x and y variables } \item{"bipcut"}{bivariate polygonal cut: polygonal thresholds for an n-sided polygon with gatingrange $=$ cbind(c(x1, x2, ...,xn, x1), c(y1, y2, ...,yn, y1)), a vector of vectors which denote the outer points of the polygonal vertices)} } \item{Index}{a vector of 0's and 1's denoting the selection of row observations of 'data.mat'} \item{type}{character string of the type of cut/gating: \item{"uniscut"}{univariate single cut: selects datapoints that are greater than or equal to the cutoff value denoted in gatingrange} \item{"bidcut"}{bivariate double cut: selects datapoints in the central rectangle formed by two vertical lines (x variable cutoffs) and two horizontal lines (y variable cutoffs)} \item{"biscut"}{bivariate single cut: cuts graph into quadrants (selects datapoints in the quadrant denoted by biscut.quadrant)} \item{"bipcut"}{bivariate polygonal cut: selects the datapoints in a polygon} } \item{IndexValue.In}{The value of 'Index' to be selected; default is 1} \item{coltype}{a character string or a numerical value describing the option for the color of the data point inside the gating range} \item{pchtype}{a character string or a numerical value describing the option for the point size and type of data point inside the gating range} \item{biscut.quadrant}{character string value denoting the (x,y) quadrant that is to be selected; Values are one of the following: \item{"$+$/$+$"}{selects the upper right quadrant, where x is positive and y is positive} \item{"$-$/$+$"}{selects the upper left quadrant, where x is negative and y is positive} \item{"$+$/$-$"}{selects the lower right quadrant, where x is positive and y is negative} \item{"$-$/$-$"}{selects the lower left quadrant, where x is negative and y is negative} } } \value{ The gating range or gate will be displayed and the data points within the gating range will be colored. } \author{A.J. Rossini and J.Y. Wan} \note{ The coloring in of data points may take a while to process. The gate selection can only be shown using rectangular binning of the image plots using \code{\link{ContourScatterPlot}}. The \code{\link{showgate.FCS}} does not work with hexagonal binning. } \seealso{\code{\link{FHCRC.HVTNFCS}},\code{\link{VRC.HVTNFCS}}, \code{\link{plotvar.FCS}},\code{\link{createGate}}, \code{\link{icreateGate}} } \examples{ if (interactive()){ if (require(rfcdmin)){ ## obtaining the FCS objects from VRC data if ( !(is.element("unst.1829", objects()) & is.element("st.1829", objects())) ){ data(VRCmin) } ## univariate plot plotvar.FCS(unst.1829, type="uni", varpos=1, plotType=hist) ## show cut off at 350 showgate.FCS(unst.1829@data[,1], type="uniscut", gatingrange=350) ## show different cutoff at 500 showgate.FCS(unst.1829@data[,1], type="uniscut", gatingrange=500, coltype="green") ## bivariate plot : rectanglar bins in which the gate can be shown plotvar.FCS(unst.1829, type="bi", varpos=c(1,2), hexbin.CSPlot=FALSE) ## show cutoff at 275 to 600 for both variables ## may take a while ## create the gate index as the first column entry of the "gate" matrix unst.1829.gt<-createGate(unst.1829, varpos=1:2, type="bidcut", gatingrange=c(275, 600, 275, 600)) ## show the gate showgate.FCS(unst.1829.gt@data[,c(1,2)], unst.1829.gt@gate[,1], type="bidcut", gatingrange=c(275, 600, 275, 600)) } } } \keyword{aplot}