\name{convertS3toS4} \alias{convertS3toS4} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Converts S3 class FCS object to S4 class FCS object } \description{ This function will update any S3 class \code{FCS} object to S4 class. } \usage{ convertS3toS4(S3file, myFCSobj.name = "", fileName = "") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{S3file}{S3 Class FCS object location and filename} \item{myFCSobj.name}{ character string indicating the FCS object name } \item{fileName}{ character string indicating the file name of the binary raw FCS data, from which the FCS object originates and which is read by \code{read.FCS}} } \details{ The FCS object is obtained as the result of \code{read.FCS} which has been currently updated to output FCS objects as class S4 instead of S3. } \value{ A Class S4 \code{FCS} object with the following slots: \item{data}{matrix of the data, where the rows are the cells/observations and the columns are the different fluoroescence measurements} \item{metadata}{of class \code{\link{FCSmetadata}} with the following slots: \item{mode}{the mode of the raw binary file} \item{size}{numeric value describing the total number of rows or observations/cells} \item{nparam}{numeric value describing the number of columns or parameters} \item{shortnames}{a vector of the short names of the column variables of the data} \item{longnames}{a vector of the long names of the column variables of the data} \item{paramranges}{the vector of corresponding ranges or maximum values for each column variable} \item{filename}{character string of the name of the raw data file from which the object originates} \item{objectname}{character string of the name of the FCS S4 object} \item{original}{Boolean value indicating whether the data is the original} \item{fcsinfo}{list of other parameters} } } \author{A.J. Rossini and J.Y. Wan} \seealso{\code{\link{read.FCS}}, \code{\link{FCS}}} \examples{ if (require(rfcdmin)){ ## if previously read-in as S3 FCS object facscan256.fcs<- paste(system.file("fcs", package="rfcdmin"), "facscan256.fcs", sep="/") ## reading in the FCS files FCSobj.S3<-read.FCS(facscan256.fcs, UseS3=TRUE) ## convert to S4 FCS FCSobj.S4<- convertS3toS4(FCSobj.S3, myFCSobj.name="FCSobj.S4", fileName=facscan256.fcs) } } \keyword{classes} \keyword{character}