\name{FHCRC.HVTNFCS} \alias{FHCRC.HVTNFCS} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Sequential Gating Procedure proposed by Julie McElrath's Lab} \description{ This function uses \code{\link{icreateGate}} and \code{\link{createGate}} to select the datapoints which are of particular interest. The selection process is realized in an index column which is added to the data of the FCS object. In particular, after a series of gating/datapoint selection sequences, the interferon gamma variable is of interest. To row reduce the data of the FCS object, the function, \code{\link{extractGatedData}} should be used on the last gate index to obtain the rows/cells and then should be used again to subset across columns to obtain the gamma interferon column. } \usage{ FHCRC.HVTNFCS(myFCSobj, gate1.vars = c(1, 2), gate2.vars = c(5, 7), gate3.vars = c(3, 4),MY.DEBUG = FALSE) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{myFCSobj}{a FCS object} \item{gate1.vars}{The vector of column variable positions corresponding to Forward Scatter and Side Scatter variables for the first gate; default is column positions 1 and 2 respectively} \item{gate2.vars}{The vector of column variable positions corresponding to cd3 and cd8 variables for the second gate; default is column positions 5 and 7 respectively} \item{gate3.vars}{The vector of column variable positions corresponding to cd69 and Interferon Gamma variables for gate 3; default is column positions 3 and 4 respectively} \item{MY.DEBUG}{if TRUE, then will print the debugging statements; otherwise, if FALSE, then will surpress the debugging statements; default is FALSE} } \details{ The Selection Sequence made by Julie McElrath's Lab is the following: \item{\bold{gate1:bidcut:}}{ Forward Scatter VS Side Scatter} \item{single gate }{(Select the lymphocytes--central cluster) } \item{\bold{gate2:bidcut:}}{ cd3 VS cd8} \item{gate 2.1:}{ (Select cd3+/cd8-)} \item{gate 2.2:}{ (Select cd3+/cd8+)} \item{\bold{gate3:biscut:}}{ cd69 vs Interferon Gamma} \item{gate 3.1:}{ (Select +/+ which are the cd4+ cells (from gate2.1))} \item{gate 3.2:}{ (Select +/+ which are the cd8+ cells (from gate2.2))} In General, the types of Gating/Cutting that are used in this gating scheme are the following: \item{uniscut = univariate single cut}{ (Selection of the positive/right half)} \item{biscut = bivariate single cut}{ (Selection of the +/-, -/-. +/+, or -/+ quadrant)} \item{bidcut = bivariate double cut}{ (Selection of the center rectangle that results)} } \value{ \item{FCS object}{ with the following slots:} \item{data}{A augmented dataframe with the added-on gating column variables/indices} \item{metadata}{a FCSmetadata object with the information about the gating column variables: \$PnR (gating range), \$PnN (gating variable's shortname/unused name in the data of the FCS object), \$PnS (gating variable's longname/used name), and other slot information} } \references{Julie McElrath, PhD} \author{A.J. Rossini and J.Y. Wan} \note{ The "FHCRC" data from the \pkg{rfcdorig} package can be used for this sequential gating scheme. } \section{WARNING }{This gating scheme is not standard, and there may have been changes to the gating scheme. This gating scheme only serves as an example, which demonstrates the use of \code{\link{createGate}},\code{\link{icreateGate}} and \code{\link{"[[-methods"}} which extracts the metadata information (eg. in order to obatin information about a previous gating index/column variable} \seealso{\code{\link{createGate}}, \code{\link{icreateGate}}, \code{\link{showgate.FCS}}, \code{\link{VRC.HVTNFCS}}, \code{\link{plotvar.FCS}}, \code{\link{"[-methods"}}, \code{\link{"[[-methods"}}} \examples{ if (require(rfcdmin)){ data.there<-is.element("MC.053",objects()) if ( ( sum(data.there) != length(data.there) )){ ## obtaining the FCS objects from VRC data data(MC.053min) } if (interactive()==TRUE){ par(mfrow=c(4,2)) MC.053.FHCRC<-FHCRC.HVTNFCS(MC.053) } } } \keyword{iplot}