\name{weight.plot} \alias{weight.plot} \title{Plot the weights of a given array using the spatial location of the genes on the slide} \usage{weight.plot(mcmc.obj,coordinate,array=1)} \description{Plot the weights of a given array using the spatial location of the genes on the slide.This function is a useful diagnostic tool. } \arguments{ \item{mcmc.obj}{ An object of class \code{mcmc} as returned by \code{fit.model}} \item{coordinate}{ The coordinate of each gene on the corresponding array. The coordinates should be a two column integer valued matrix containing the row indices (column 1) and the column indices (column 2). The row indices should all be distinct. All indices should start at zero! } \item{array}{ An integer corresponding to the array number to be plotted.} } \value{ The image plot of the weights. A small weight (bright color) correspond to an outlier. } \references{Robust Estimation of cDNA Microarray Intensities with Replicates Raphael Gottardo, Adrian E. Raftery, Ka Yee Yeung, and Roger Bumgarner Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Box 354322, Seattle, WA 98195-4322} \seealso{ \code{arrange.row} } \examples{ data(hiv) ### Initialize the proposals mcmc.hiv<-fit.model(hiv[1:640,c(1:4)],hiv[1:640,c(5:8)],B=1000,min.iter=500,batch=1,shift=30,mcmc.obj=NULL,dye.swap=TRUE,nb.col1=2) weight.plot(mcmc.hiv,hiv[1:640,9:10],array=3) } \author{Raphael Gottardo} \keyword{hplot}