\name{qsummary} \alias{qsummary} \alias{summary.qvalue} \title{Display qvalue object} \description{ Display summary information for a qvalue object. } \usage{ qsummary(qobj, cuts = c(1e-04, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 1), digits = getOption("digits"), \ldots) \method{summary}{qvalue}(object, \ldots) } \arguments{ \item{qobj, object}{Qvalue object} \item{cuts}{Vector of significance value to use for table (optional)} \item{digits}{Significant digits to display (optional)} \item{\ldots}{Any other arguments} } \details{ \code{qsummary} shows the original call, estimated proportion of true null hypotheses, and a table comparing the number of significant calls for the raw p-values and for the calculated q-values using a set of cutoffs given by \code{cuts}. } \value{ Invisibly returns the original object. } \author{Alan Dabney \email{adabney@u.washington.edu} and Gregory R. Warnes \email{gregory\_r\_warnes@groton.pfizer.com}} \seealso{\code{\link{qvalue}}, \code{\link{qplot}}, \code{\link{qwrite}}, \code{\link{qvalue.gui}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ qobj <- qvalue(p) print(qobj) summary(qobj, cuts=c(0.01, 0.05)) } } \keyword{misc}