\name{qplot} \alias{qplot} \alias{plot.qvalue} \title{Graphical display of qvalue objects} \description{ Graphical display of qvalue objects } \usage{ qplot(qobj, rng = c(0, 0.1), smooth.df = 3, smooth.log.pi0 = FALSE, \ldots) \method{plot}{qvalue}(x, \ldots) } \arguments{ \item{qobj, x}{Qvalue object.} \item{rng}{Range of q-values to consider. Optional.} \item{smooth.df}{Number of degrees-of-freedom to use when estimating \eqn{\pi_0}{pi_0} with a smoother. Optional.} \item{smooth.log.pi0}{If TRUE and \texttt{pi0.method} = "smoother", \eqn{\pi_0}{pi_0} will be estimated by applying a smoother to a scatterplot of \textit{log} \eqn{\pi_0}{pi_0} estimates against the tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}. Optional.} \item{\ldots}{Any other arguments.} } \details{ The function qplot allows one to view several plots: \enumerate{ \item The estimated \eqn{\pi_0}{pi_0} versus the tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}. \item The q-values versus the p-values \item The number of significant tests versus each q-value cutoff \item The number of expected false positives versus the number of significant tests } This function makes fours plots. The first is a plot of the estimate of \eqn{\pi_0}{pi_0} versus its tuning parameter \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}. In most cases, as \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} gets larger, the bias of the estimate decreases, yet the variance increases. Various methods exist for balancing this bias-variance trade-off (Storey 2002, Storey & Tibshirani 2003, Storey, Taylor & Siegmund 2004). Comparing your estimate of \eqn{\pi_0}{pi_0} to this plot allows one to guage its quality. The remaining three plots show how many tests are significant, as well as how many false positives to expect for each q-value cut-off. A thorough discussion of these plots can be found in Storey & Tibshirani (2003). } \value{ Nothing of interest. } \references{ Storey JD. (2002) A direct approach to false discovery rates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 64: 479-498. Storey JD and Tibshirani R. (2003) Statistical significance for genome-wide experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100: 9440-9445. Storey JD. (2003) The positive false discovery rate: A Bayesian interpretation and the q-value. Annals of Statistics, 31: 2013-2035. Storey JD, Taylor JE, and Siegmund D. (2004) Strong control, conservative point estimation, and simultaneous conservative consistency of false discovery rates: A unified approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 66: 187-205. QVALUE Manual \url{http://faculty.washington.edu/~jstorey/qvalue/manual.pdf} } \author{John D. Storey \email{jstorey@u.washington.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{qvalue}}, \code{\link{qwrite}}, \code{\link{qsummary}}, \code{\link{qvalue.gui}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ p <- scan(pvalues.txt) qobj <- qvalue(p) qplot(qobj) qwrite(qobj, filename=myresults.txt) # view plots for q-values between 0 and 0.3: plot(qobj, rng=c(0.0, 0.3)) } } \keyword{misc}