\name{quantsmooth.cv} \alias{quantsmooth.cv} \title{quantsmooth.cv} \description{ Cross validation of smoothing parameters } \usage{ quantsmooth.cv(intensities,smooth.lambda=2, ridge.kappa=0) } \arguments{ \item{intensities}{numeric vector} \item{smooth.lambda}{numeric; see \code{\link{quantsmooth}}} \item{ridge.kappa}{fudge parameter; see \code{\link{quantsmooth}}} } \details{ Cross validation is performed by calculating the fit from the even indices on the odd indices and vice versa. } \value{ This function returns the sum of squared differences or \code{NA} if the fitting function gave an error } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{getLambdaMin}} } \examples{ data(chr14) # A low value is indicative of a better fit to the data quantsmooth.cv(bac.cn[,1],1) quantsmooth.cv(bac.cn[,1],2.8) } \keyword{htest} \keyword{smooth}