\name{plotChromosome} \alias{plotChromosome} \title{Wrapper for plotSmoothed} \description{ This function is a wrapper for plotSmoothed, to make data subsetting easier } \usage{ plotChromosome(gendata, chrompos, chromosome, dataselection = NULL, ylim = NULL, normalized.to = NULL, grid = NULL, smooth.lambda = 2, interval = 0.5, ...) } \arguments{ \item{gendata}{numeric matrix or data.frame} \item{chrompos}{chrompos object with same numer of rows as gendata} \item{chromosome}{numeric, chromosme to show} \item{dataselection}{optional, subset of samples/columns in gendata} \item{ylim}{limits for plot} \item{normalized.to}{y-value(s) for line} \item{grid}{x-value(s) for line} \item{smooth.lambda}{smoothing parameter, see \code{\link{quantsmooth}}} \item{interval}{position of extra lines besides median, see \code{\link{plotSmoothed}}} \item{\dots}{extra arguments for \code{\link{plotSmoothed}}} } \value{ The function is used for its side effects } \author{ Jan Oosting } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotSmoothed}}, \code{\link{quantsmooth}} } \keyword{hplot}