\name{numericCHR} \alias{numericCHR} \alias{characterCHR} \title{ Conversion of chromosome IDs between numeric and character } \description{ The function converts chromosomal ids to their numeric form, and the sex chromosomes to values between 98 and 100. This simplifies sorting on chromosome ID } \usage{ numericCHR(CHR) characterCHR(CHR) } \arguments{ \item{CHR}{character/numeric vector for both functions the mode of the input is not forced. For numericCHR strings "X","Y" and "XY" are converted to 98,99 and 100 respectively. } } \value{ \code{numericCHR} returns a numeric vector of same length as \code{CHR} \code{characterCHR} returns a character vector of same length as \code{CHR} } \author{ Jan Oosting } \examples{ chroms<-c("3","2","8","X","7","Y","5","1","9","10","11","12","4","6") sort(chroms) sort(numericCHR(chroms)) characterCHR(sort(numericCHR(chroms))) } \keyword{manip}