\name{grid.chromosome} \alias{grid.chromosome} \title{ Draw a chromosome using the grid package } \description{ A chromosme is drawn including the cytobands } \usage{ grid.chromosome(chrom, side = 1, units = c("cM", "bases", "ISCN"), chrom.width = 0.5, length.out, bands = "major", legend = c("chrom", "band", "none"), cex.leg = 0.7, bleach = 0, ...) } \arguments{ \item{chrom}{numeric or character, id of chromosome to plot} \item{side}{numeric [1:4], side of rectangle to draw, 4 sides, side 2 and 4 are vertical} \item{units}{character, type of unit to use} \item{chrom.width}{numeric [0,1], The width relative to the width (sides 2 and 4) or height(sides 1 and 3) of the viewport} \item{length.out}{numeric, size of native units of viewport} \item{bands}{character, draw either major or minor bands} \item{legend}{character, type of legend} \item{cex.leg}{numeric, relative size of legend text} \item{bleach}{numeric [0,1], proportion by which to bleach the chromosome} \item{\dots}{arguments for viewport(), especially x,y, width, and height} } \details{ The chromosome is drawn within a rectangle defined by x, y, width, and height, which is pushed as a viewport. The legend is drawn within the same rectangle in the space left over by chrom.width. } \references{ lodplot package } \value{ This function is executed for its side effects } \author{David L Duffy ,Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{paintCytobands}}} \examples{ grid.newpage() grid.chromosome(1,units="bases",height=0.15) } \keyword{aplot}