\name{pumaPCARes-class} \docType{class} \alias{class:pumaPCARes} \alias{pumaPCARes} \alias{pumaPCARes-class} \alias{write.reslts,pumaPCARes-method} \title{Class pumaPCARes} \description{ This is a class representation for storing the outputs of the pumaPCA function. Objects of this class should usually only be created through the \code{\link{pumaPCA}} function. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("pumaPCARes", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{model}:}{Object of class "pumaPCAModel" representing the model parameters} \item{\code{expectations}:}{Object of class "pumaPCAExpectations" representing the model expectations} \item{\code{varY}:}{Object of class "matrix" representing the variance in the expression levels} \item{\code{Y}:}{Object of class "matrix" representing the expression levels} \item{\code{phenoData}:}{Object of class "AnnotatedDataFrame" representing the phenotype information} \item{\code{timeToCompute}:}{Object of class "numeric" representing the time it took \code{\link{pumaPCA}} to run} \item{\code{numberOfIterations}:}{Object of class "numeric" representing the number of iterations it took \code{\link{pumaPCA}} to converge} \item{\code{likelihoodHistory}:}{Object of class "list" representing the history of likelihood values while \code{\link{pumaPCA}} was running} \item{\code{timingHistory}:}{Object of class "list" representing the history of how long each iteration took while \code{\link{pumaPCA}} was running} \item{\code{modelHistory}:}{Object of class "list" representing the history of how the model was changing while \code{\link{pumaPCA}} was running} \item{\code{exitReason}:}{Object of class "character" representing the reason \code{\link{pumaPCA}} halted. Can take the values "Update of Likelihood less than tolerance x", "Update of W less than tolerance x", "Iterations exceeded", "User interrupt", "unknown exit reason"} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{plot}{\code{signature(x="pumaPCARes-class")}: plots two principal components on a scatter plot.} \item{write.reslts}{\code{signature(x = "pumaPCARes-class")}: writes the principal components for each array to a file. It takes the same arguments as \code{\link{write.table}}. The argument "file" does not need to set any extension. The file name and extension "csv" will be added automatically. The default file name is "tmp". } } } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \seealso{ Related method \code{\link{pumaPCA}} and related class \code{\link{pumaPCARes}}. } \keyword{classes}