\name{plotROC} \alias{plotROC} \title{Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) plot} \description{ Plots a Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve. } \usage{ plotROC( scoresList , truthValues , includedProbesets=1:length(truthValues) , legendTitles=1:length(scoresList) , main = "PUMA ROC plot" , lty = 1:length(scoresList) , col = rep(1,length(scoresList)) , lwd = rep(1,length(scoresList)) , yaxisStat = "tpr" , xaxisStat = "fpr" , downsampling = 100 , showLegend = TRUE , showAUC = TRUE , ... ) } \arguments{ \item{scoresList}{ A list, each element of which is a numeric vector of scores. } \item{truthValues}{ A boolean vector indicating which scores are True Positives. } \item{includedProbesets}{ A vector of indices indicating which scores (and truthValues) are to be used in the calculation. The default is to use all, but a subset can be used if, for example, you only want a subset of the probesets which are not True Positives to be treated as False Positives. } \item{legendTitles}{ Vector of names to appear in legend. } \item{main}{ Main plot title } \item{lty}{ Line types. } \item{col}{ Colours. } \item{lwd}{ Line widths. } \item{yaxisStat}{Character string identifying what is to be plotted on the y-axis. The default is "tpr" for True Positive Rate. See \code{\link[ROCR:performance]{performance}} function from \pkg{ROCR} package.} \item{xaxisStat}{Character string identifying what is to be plotted on the x-axis. The default is "fpr" for False Positive Rate. See \code{\link[ROCR:performance]{performance}} function from \pkg{ROCR} package.} \item{downsampling}{See details for \code{\link[ROCR:plot.performance]{plot.performance}} from the \pkg{ROCR} package. } \item{showLegend}{Boolean. Should legend be displayed?} \item{showAUC}{Boolean. Should AUC values be included in legend?} \item{\dots}{ Other parameters to be passed to \code{plot}. } } \value{ This function has no return value. The output is the plot created. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \seealso{Related method \code{\link{calcAUC}}} \examples{ class1a <- rnorm(1000,0.2,0.1) class2a <- rnorm(1000,0.6,0.2) class1b <- rnorm(1000,0.3,0.1) class2b <- rnorm(1000,0.5,0.2) scores_a <- c(class1a, class2a) scores_b <- c(class1b, class2b) scores <- list(scores_a, scores_b) classElts <- c(rep(FALSE,1000), rep(TRUE,1000)) plotROC(scores, classElts) } \keyword{hplot}