\name{plotHistTwoClasses} \alias{plotHistTwoClasses} \title{Stacked histogram plot of two different classes} \description{ Stacked histogram plot of two different classes } \usage{ plotHistTwoClasses( scores , class1Elements , class2Elements , space=0 , col=c("white", "grey40") , xlab="PPLR" , ylab="Number of genes" , ylim=NULL , las=0 # axis labels all perpendicular to axes , legend=c("non-spike-in genes", "spike-in genes") , inset=0.05 , minScore=0 , maxScore=1 , numOfBars=20 , main=NULL ) } \arguments{ \item{scores}{ A numeric vector of scores (e.g. from the output of \code{\link{pumaDE}}) } \item{class1Elements}{ Boolean vector, TRUE if element is in first class } \item{class2Elements}{ Boolean vector, TRUE if element is in second class } \item{space}{ Numeric. x-axis distance between bars } \item{col}{ Colours for the two different classes } \item{xlab}{ Title for the x-axis } \item{ylab}{ Title for the y-axis } \item{ylim}{ 2-element numeric vector showing minimum and maximum values for y-axis. } \item{las}{ See \code{\link[graphics]{par}}. Default of 0 means axis labels all perpendicular to axes. } \item{legend}{ 2-element string vector giving text to appear in legend for the two classes. } \item{inset}{ See \code{\link[graphics]{legend}} } \item{minScore}{ Numeric. Minimum score to plot. } \item{maxScore}{ Numeric. Maximum score to plot. } \item{numOfBars}{ Integer. Number of bars to plot. } \item{main}{ String. Main title for the plot. } } \value{ This function has no return value. The output is the plot created. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \examples{ class1 <- rnorm(1000,0.2,0.1) class2 <- rnorm(1000,0.6,0.2) class1[which(class1<0)] <- 0 class1[which(class1>1)] <- 1 class2[which(class2<0)] <- 0 class2[which(class2>1)] <- 1 scores <- c(class1, class2) class1elts <- c(rep(TRUE,1000), rep(FALSE,1000)) class2elts <- c(rep(FALSE,1000), rep(TRUE,1000)) plotHistTwoClasses(scores, class1elts, class2elts, ylim=c(0,300)) } \keyword{hplot}