\name{plotErrorBars} \alias{plotErrorBars} \title{Plot mean expression levels and error bars for one or more probesets} \description{ This produces plots of probesets of interest. } \usage{ plotErrorBars( eset , probesets = if(dim(exprs(eset))[1] <= 12) 1:dim(exprs(eset))[1] else 1 , arrays = 1:dim(pData(eset))[1] # default is to use all , xlab = paste(colnames(pData(eset))[1:numOfFactorsToUse(eset)], collapse=":") , ylab = "Expression Estimate" , xLabels = apply( as.matrix(pData(eset)[arrays,1:numOfFactorsToUse(eset)]) , 1 , function(mat){paste(mat, collapse=":")} ) , ylim = NA , numOfSEs = qnorm(0.975) , globalYlim = FALSE # Not yet implemented! , plot_cols = NA , plot_rows = NA , featureNames = NA , showGeneNames = TRUE , showErrorBars = if( length(assayDataElement(eset,"se.exprs"))==0 || length(assayDataElement(eset,"se.exprs")) == sum(is.na(assayDataElement(eset,"se.exprs"))) ) FALSE else TRUE , plotColours = FALSE , log.it = if(max(exprs(eset)) > 32) TRUE else FALSE , eset_comb = NULL , jitterWidth = NA , qtpcrData = NULL , ... ) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{ An object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}. This is the main object being plotted. } \item{probesets}{ A vector of integers indicating the probesets to be plotted. These integers refer to the row numbers of the \code{eset}. } \item{arrays}{ A vector of integers indicating the arrays to be shown on plots. } \item{xlab}{ Character string of title to appear on x-axis } \item{ylab}{ Character string of title to appear on y-axis } \item{xLabels}{ Vector of strings for labels of individual points on x-axis. } \item{ylim}{ 2-element numeric vector showing minimum and maximum values for y-axis. } \item{numOfSEs}{ Numeric indicating the scaling for the error bars. The default value give error bars that include 95\% of expected values. } \item{globalYlim}{ Not yet implemented! } \item{plot_cols}{ Integer specifying number of columns for multi-figure plot. } \item{plot_rows}{ Integer specifying number of rows for multi-figure plot. } \item{featureNames}{ A vector of strings for \code{featureNames} (Affy IDs). This is an alternative (to the \code{probesets} argument) way of specifying probe sets. } \item{showGeneNames}{ Boolean indicating whether to use Affy IDs as titles for each plot. } \item{showErrorBars}{ Boolean indicating whether error bars should be shown on plots. } \item{plotColours}{ A vector of colours to plot. } \item{log.it}{ Boolean indicating whether expression values should be logged. } \item{eset_comb}{ An object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}. This is a secondary object to be plotted on the same charts as \code{eset}. This should be an object created using \code{\link{pumaComb}} which holds the values created by combining information from the replicates of each condition. } \item{jitterWidth}{ Numeric indicating the x-axis distance between replicates of the same condition. } \item{qtpcrData}{ A 2-column matrix of qRT-PCR values (or other data to be plotted on the same charts). } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}. } } \value{ This function has no return value. The output is the plot created. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \examples{ # Next 4 lines commented out to save time in package checks, and saved version used # if (require(affydata)) { # data(Dilution) # eset_mmgmos <- mmgmos(Dilution) # } data(eset_mmgmos) plotErrorBars(eset_mmgmos) plotErrorBars(eset_mmgmos,1:6) } \keyword{hplot}