\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot.pumaPCARes} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,pumaPCARes-method} \alias{plot,pumaPCARes,missing-method} \title{Plot method for pumaPCARes objects} \description{ This is the method to plot objects of class pumaPCARes. It will produce a scatter plot of two of the principal components } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{pumaPCARes,missing}(..., firstComponent = 1, secondComponent = 2, useFilenames = FALSE, phenotype = pData(pumaPCARes@phenoData), legend1pos = "topright", legend2pos = "bottomright") } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{Optional graphical parameters to adjust different components of the plot} \item{firstComponent}{Integer identifying which principal component to plot on the x-axis} \item{secondComponent}{Integer identifying which principal component to plot on the x-axis} \item{useFilenames}{Boolean. If TRUE then use filenames as plot points. Otherwise just use points.} \item{phenotype}{Phenotype information} \item{legend1pos}{String indicating where to put legend for first factor} \item{legend2pos}{String indicating where to put legend for second factor} } \examples{ # Next 4 lines commented out to save time in package checks, and saved version used # if (require(affydata)) { # data(Dilution) # eset_mmgmos <- mmgmos(Dilution) # } data(eset_mmgmos) pumapca_mmgmos <- pumaPCA(eset_mmgmos) plot(pumapca_mmgmos) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}