\name{normalisation.gs} \alias{normalisation.gs} \title{ Global scaling normalisation } \description{ This function is only included for backwards compatibility with the \pkg{pplr} package. This function is now superceded by \code{\link{pumaNormalize}}. This function does the global scaling normalisation. } \usage{ normalisation.gs(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a matrix or data frame which contains gene expression level on log2 scale. } } \details{ Each row of x is related to a gene and each column is related to a chip. } \value{ The return matrix is in the same format as the input x. } \author{ Xuejun Liu, Marta Milo, Neil D. Lawrence, Magnus Rattray } \seealso{ See Also as \code{\link{bcomb}} } \examples{ data(exampleE) exampleE.normalised<-normalisation.gs(exampleE) data(Clust.exampleE) Clust.exampleE.normalised<-normalisation.gs(Clust.exampleE) } \keyword{ manip }