\name{hgu95aphis} \alias{hgu95aphis} \docType{data} \title{ Estimated parameters of the distribution of phi} \description{ The pre-estimated parameters of log normal distribution of \eqn{\phi}, which is the fraction of specific signal binding to mismatch probe. } \usage{data(hgu95aphis)} \format{ The format is: num [1:3] 0.171 -1.341 0.653 } \details{ The current values of hgu95aphis are estimated from Affymetrix spike-in data sets. It was loaded in the method \code{"mmgmos"}. hgu95aphis[1:3] is respectively the mode, mean and variance of the log normal distribution of \eqn{\phi}, and hgu95aphis[1] is also the intial value of \eqn{\phi} in the model optimisation. } %\source{} %\references{} \keyword{datasets}