\name{calculateFC} \alias{calculateFC} \title{Calculate differential expression between conditions using FC} \description{ Automatically creates design and contrast matrices if not specified. This function is useful for comparing fold change results with those of other differential expression (DE) methods such as \code{\link{pumaDE}}. } \usage{ calculateFC( eset , design.matrix = createDesignMatrix(eset) , contrast.matrix = createContrastMatrix(eset) ) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{ An object of class \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} } \item{design.matrix}{ A design matrix } \item{contrast.matrix}{ A contrast matrix } } \details{ The \code{eset} argument must be supplied, and must be a valid \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} object. Design and contrast matrices can be supplied, but if not, default matrices will be used. These should usually be sufficient for most analyses. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{DEResult}}. } \author{ Richard D. Pearson } \seealso{Related methods \code{\link{pumaDE}}, \code{\link{calculateLimma}}, \code{\link{calculateTtest}}, \code{\link{createDesignMatrix}} and \code{\link{createContrastMatrix}} and class \code{\link{DEResult}}} \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) eset_rma <- rma(Dilution) # Next line used so eset_rma only has information about the liver factor # The scanner factor will thus be ignored, and the two arrays of each level # of the liver factor will be treated as replicates pData(eset_rma) <- pData(eset_rma)[,1, drop=FALSE] FCRes <- calculateFC(eset_rma) topGeneIDs(FCRes,numberOfGenes=6) plotErrorBars(eset_rma, topGenes(FCRes)) } } \keyword{manip}