\name{readCytoSet} \alias{readCytoSet} \title{Create a cytoSet object from one or more FCS 3.0 files} \description{Create a cytoSet object from one or more FCS 3.0 files} \usage{ readCytoSet(files=NULL, path=".", pattern=NULL, phenoData, sep="\t", ...) } \arguments{ \item{files}{Optional character vector with filenames} \item{path}{Directory where to look for the files} \item{pattern}{This argument is passed on to \code{\link[base]{dir}} (see details). } \item{phenoData}{Either an object of class \code{phenoData} or \code{character}.} \item{sep}{Separator character that gets passed on to \code{\link[Biobase::read.phenoData]{read.phenoData}}.} \item{...}{Further arguments that get passed on to \code{\link[Biobase::read.phenoData]{read.phenoData}}, see details.} } \details{There are three different ways to specify the file names: First, if the argument \code{phenoData} is present and is of class \code{\link[Biobase:phenoData]{phenoData}}, then it is obtained from its column \code{name}. The column is mandatory, and an error will be generated if it is not there. Alternatively, the argument \code{phenoData} can be of class \code{character}, in which case this function tries to read a \code{phenoData} object from the file with that name by calling \code{\link[Biobase::read.phenoData]{read.phenoData(file.path(path, phenoData), ...)}}. Second, if the argument \code{phenoData} is not present and the argument \code{files} is not \code{NULL}, then \code{files} is expected to be a character vector with the file names. Third, if neither the argument \code{phenoData} is present nor \code{files} is not \code{NULL}, then the file names are obtained by calling \code{dir(path, pattern)}. } \value{An object of class \code{\link[cytoSet-class]{cytoSet}}.} \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \seealso{\code{\link[prada]{readFCSdata}}} \examples{ ## Please see man page for cytoSet-class } \keyword{IO}