\name{estErrProbMethodOfMoments} \alias{estErrProbMethodOfMoments} \title{Estimate false positive and false negative error probabilities by method moments.} \description{Estimate false positive and false negative error probabilities by method moments.} \usage{ estErrProbMethodOfMoments(nint, nrec, nunr, ntot) } \arguments{ \item{nint}{Integer vector. True number of interactions. Typically, the function is called for a range of these, returning all possible solutions for that range.} \item{nrec}{Integer scalar. Observed number of reciprocated edges.} \item{nunr}{Integer scalar. Observed number of unreciprocated edges.} \item{ntot}{Integer scalar. Number of proteins which were tested twice (e.g. both as viable bait and as viable prey).} } \value{ Matrix with 5 columns \code{nint} (a copy of the input argument), \code{pfp1}, \code{pfn1}, \code{pfp2} and \code{pfn2}, and as many rows as the length of \code{nint}. } \details{The model is described in the vignette \emph{Stochastic and systematic errors in PPI data, by looking at unreciprocated in- or out-edges} by W. Huber, T. Chiang and R. Gentleman. } \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \examples{ est = estErrProbMethodOfMoments(nint=seq(8000, 40000, by=100), nrec=9722, nunr=15856, ntot=2000) if(interactive()) { plot(est[, c("pfp2", "pfn2")], type="l", col="blue", lwd=2, xlab=expression(p[FP]), ylab=expression(p[FN])) abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2) } } \keyword{manip}