\name{getInstallOrder} \alias{getInstallOrder} \title{List package dependencies in install order} \description{ This function uses a dependency graph created with \code{makeDepGraph} to list all (recursive) dependencies of a given package in an order suitable for installation. } \usage{ getInstallOrder(pkg, depG, needed.only = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{pkg}{character string name of package} \item{depG}{\code{graphNEL} instance as returned from \code{makeDepGraph}. } \item{needed.only}{logical value. When \code{TRUE}, only those dependencies not currently installed are included in the list, this is the default. When \code{FALSE} the complete list of dependencies is given regardless of the set of currently installed packages.} } \value{ a list with components: \item{packages }{character vector of package names in an order suitable for installation. The order is not unique. The names of the character vector are the estimated download sizes of each package.} \item{total.size}{When available, the total size in megabytes of all listed dependencies.} } \author{Seth Falcon} \keyword{utilities}