\name{pickgene} \alias{pickgene} \title{Plot and Pick Genes based on Differential Expression} \description{ The function picks plots the average intensity versus linear contrasts (currently linear, quadratic up to cubic) across experimental conditions. Critical line is determine according to Bonferroni-like multiple comparisons, allowing SD to vary with intensity. } \usage{ pickgene(data, geneID = 1:nrow(data), overalllevel = 0.05, npickgene = -1, marginal = FALSE, rankbased = TRUE, allrank = FALSE, meanrank = FALSE, offset = 0, modelmatrix = model.pickgene(faclevel, facnames, contrasts.fac, collapse, show, renorm), faclevel = ncol(data), facnames = letters[seq(length(faclevel))], contrasts.fac = "contr.poly", show = NULL, main = "", renorm = 1, drop.negative = FALSE, plotit = npickgene < 1, mfrow = c(nr, nc), mfcol = NULL, ylab = paste(shownames, "Trend"), ...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{data matrix} \item{geneID}{gene identifier (default \code{1:nrow(x)})} \item{overalllevel}{overall significance level (default \code{0.05})} \item{npickgene}{number of genes to pick (default \code{-1} allows automatic selection)} \item{marginal}{additive model if TRUE, include interactions if FALSE} \item{rankbased}{use ranks if TRUE, log tranform if FALSE} \item{allrank}{rank all chips together if true, otherwise rank separately} \item{meanrank}{show mean abundance as rank if TRUE} \item{offset}{offset for log transform} \item{modelmatrix}{model matrix with first row all 1's and other rows corresponding to design contrasts; automatically created by call to \code{model.pickgene} if omitted} \item{faclevel}{number of factor levels for each factor} \item{facnames}{factor names} \item{contrasts.fac}{type of contrasts} \item{show}{vector of contrast numbers to show (default is all)} \item{main}{vector of main titles for plots (default is none)} \item{renorm}{vector to renormalize contrasts (e.g. use \code{sqrt(2)} to turn two-condition contrast into fold change)} \item{drop.negative}{drop negative values in log transform} \item{plotit}{plot if TRUE} \item{mfrow}{\code{par()} plot arrangement by rows (default up to 6 per page; set to NULL to not change)} \item{mfcol}{\code{par()} plot arrangement by columns (default is NULL)} \item{ylab}{vertical axis labels} \item{...}{parameters for \code{robustscale}} } \details{ Infer genes that differentially express across conditions using a robust data-driven method. Adjusted gene expression levels \code{A} are replaced by \code{qnorm(rank(A))}, followed by \code{robustscale} estimation of center and spread. Then Bonferroni-style gene by gene tests are performed and displayed graphically. } \value{ Data frame containing significant genes with the following information: \item{pick}{data frame with picked genes} \item{score}{data frame with center and spread for plotting} Each of these is a list with elements for each contrast. The \code{pick} data frame elements have the following information: \item{probe}{gene identifier} \item{average}{average gene intensity} \item{fold1}{positive fold change} \item{fold2}{negative fold change} \item{pvalue}{Bonferroni-corrected p-value} The \code{score} data frame elements have the following: \item{x}{mean expression level (antilog scale)} \item{y}{contrast (antilog scale)} \item{center}{center for contrast} \item{scale}{scale (spread) for contrast} \item{lower}{lower test limit} \item{upper}{upper test limit} } \references{Y Lin, BS Yandell and ST Nadler (2000) ``Robust Data-Driven Inference for Gene Expression Microarray Experiments,'' Technical Report, Department of Statistics, UW-Madison. } \author{Yi Lin and Brian Yandell} \seealso{\code{\link{pickgene}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ pickgene( data ) } } \keyword{hplot} \keyword{models}