\name{oddsplot} \alias{oddsplot} \title{Odds Plot for Differential Microarray Expression} \description{ The function plots contours for the odds that points on microarray show differential expression between two conditions (e.g. Cy3 and Cy5 dye channels on the same microarray). } \usage{ oddsplot(x, y, theta, by.level = 10, rotate = FALSE, offset = 0, main = "", xlab = xlabs, ylab = ylabs, col = NULL, cex = c(0.25, 0.75), shrink = FALSE, lims = range(c(x, y))) } \arguments{ \item{x}{first condition expression levels} \item{y}{second condition expression levels} \item{theta}{four parameters from \code{em.ggb}} \item{by.level}{odds plot contours increase by this level} \item{rotate}{rotate to average versus ratio if TRUE, otherwise plot conditions against each other} \item{offset}{offset for \code{log} transform} \item{main}{main title for plot} \item{xlab}{horizontal axis label (default if \code{Cy3} if \code{rotate} is FALSE, \code{Average Intensity} otherwise} \item{ylab}{vertical axis label (default if \code{Cy5} if \code{rotate} is FALSE, \code{Cy3 / Cy5} otherwise} \item{col}{color of points (if NULL, use black for non-changing points, blue for changing points)} \item{cex}{character expansion (use \code{rep(.25,2)} to have all points the same size)} \item{shrink}{use shrinkage on expression levels if TRUE (default is FALSE)} \item{lims}{limits for plot area} } \details{ Fit Gamma/Gamma/Bernoulli model (equal marginal distributions) The model has spot intensities x ~ Gamma(a,b); y ~ Gamma(a,c). The shape parameters b and c are ~ Gamma(a0,nu). With probability p, b = c; otherwise b != c. All spots are assumed to be independent.} \value{ Log odds for all points in original order. } \references{MA Newton, CM Kendziorski, CS Richmond, FR Blattner and KW Tsui (2000) ``On differential variability of expression ratios: improving statistical inference about gene expression changes from microarray data,'' \emph{J Computational Biology 00}: 000-000. } \author{Michael Newton} \seealso{\code{\link{em.ggb}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ oddsplot( x, y ) }} \keyword{hplot} \keyword{models}